Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Well, unfortunately Jon turned out to be sick all weekend. I was crossing my fingers on Saturday morning that he'd have made a full recovery overnight and be 100% healthy again so we could get things done. But it was not in the cards and he spent most of the weekend in his comfies, coughing and trying to sleep. He's back at work tonight and we're praying he makes it through okay.

This meant that I played single parent all weekend as Jon was being very careful about not spreading his germs. It's a tough job, being a single parent. But it meant that I got to give Harper double the lovin' because I had to make up for what Daddy couldn't give. We had lots of fun and lots of laughs, but we both hope daddy makes a speedy recovery so he can join in soon!

I was able to accomplish most of the things on the list, though I refuse to climb a ladder so I couldn't get the Christmas decorations down. And there was no way I could start the cabinet project (again) without anyone else to watch Harper, so that didn't get done either. The clothes are in the back of my car waiting to be dropped off tomorrow, so I believe I can check everything else off the list! Feels good even though I'm completely wiped out and can say that I definitely would have chosen being curled up in bed with a bowl of ice cream most of today instead of doing all the cleaning and picking up.

As inspiration for what we may hope to accomplish in the near future, I'll post a few pics of Jon's latest project: the garage. Being the frugal couple we are, we're always looking for ways to save some cash. My company has been clearing out the building of extra supplies we don't need and giving the things away to anyone who will take them. One of the items that is in great abundance are these wire shelves that attach to the sides of cubicles for storing papers and things. I brought a couple home hoping Jon might be able to use them for something, and with a little intuition and help from brackets he bought, I present to you -- STORAGE!!

Now, I realize this may not look like a big deal. But imagine the work bench in the first picture covered in the things that are on the shelves. All his tool bags, tools, chargers, batteries, paint cans, etc... Just piled up everywhere. Now they're out of the way and it's awesome!!!
I'm so proud of him for figuring out a way to make something free and non-workable into something that so perfect! He'd probably hang these all over the garage if we had the wall space for it. He's done a really great job and it's so nice to have the space by the door so I can have a place to set things down when I'm trying to come in the door with my 10,000 bags and Harper. Love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon Hanes says: (Wait... what is this? Facebook?) What? No comments on my garage? Whateva.