Monday, May 09, 2005

Here We Go Again

I know I'm a sensitive person. But the fact that I've become a sobbing fool lately has me thrown all off-guard. For some reason, even the slightest little heartwarming story I read, see or hear about has me weeping like a baby. A few examples:

The Today Show has begun a new series titled "Live For Today" in which they fulfill the dreams of average people. Each morning I attempt to watch as a daughter goes skydiving with her veteran paratrooper dad on his 75th birthday, as a music teacher has a surprise and fulfills a lifelong dream, or as a wife who takes care of her husband gets to finally attend the Kentucky Derby. But I have to change the channel, or risk reapplying all my makeup that I've just put on, because I begin to tear up and cry it all off!! So pathetic.

Because of work, I am unable to watch Extreme Home Makeover. However, I do watch on Monday nights when they air "
How'd They Do That?" and bawl my eyes out when they do the reveal of the family's new home. I can't imagine what I'd be like during the actual show.

And finally, today I read a news article on that made me weepy while at work. Read it here. If your heart isn't warmed by this story, then you are just wrong, man. Just wrong.

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