Wednesday, October 18, 2006

We're up!

Welcome to our webpage! I promise to try to keep this updated as often as there is something interesting to post... and sometimes when there's nothing interesting to report.

Well, we've been married 2 1/2 months now. I've officially changed my name to "Hanes" everywhere from my Drivers License to my paychecks. Somehow doesn't seem fair that the women have to do all the work in changing their name. I think I support the "both sides changing their names" idea more and more. But it's all worth it!

Our entertainment at home is the dogs. Our "children". Whether it's Wylee constantly trying to get on our laps, or us vying to be the one Sarge chooses to give a lick to (it's always Jon). There's never really a dull moment. Our latest enjoyment has been watching the two dogs figure out ways to distract the other away from the bone chew toy. Sarge even plays "fetch" just to get Wylee to run after something, so then he can turn around and lay down with the bone while Wylee is still chasing the ball or whatever it is... The oddest part of this ritual is that the plastic bone has been laying around the house for months and months practically untouched. Yet now it's become hot property and the thing both of them want most of all. Very strange. Hope you enjoy the slideshow above!

Last night we had a great birthday dinner to celebrate my 28th. Friends, family and great food. What else do you need??? Went home with big stomach aches.

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