Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cow or Giraffe? You Make the Call

While in Decatur last week, my mom and I each got new purses. She had been seeing these animal print bags everywhere and really wanted one. Her excitement was infectious, so when we walked into a store that had the exact bags she had been wanting, we both got one. (well actually she got two) ;)

I'm incredibly indecisive, but mom eventually helped me choose one. I really liked the giraffe print ones, but couldn't decide on a style and color. I was really excited about the one I chose because I had tried to downsize my purse to an itty-bitty one a few weeks ago, but with a baby, you need a big purse to shove a diaper and/or bottle into so you don't have to lug around the whole diaper bag all the time. I decided on a tote-style black giraffe print with red accents.

My excitement was immediately deflated when I brought it home and showed Jon. He said "wow, a COW purse!!"

hmph. Of course, I didn't want a cow purse, I wanted a giraffe purse. I'm not a cow person. I don't like cow things, especially not cow print things. Giraffe - cute, trendy! Cow - not cute, not trendy.

This isn't my exact purse, but I'm too lazy to take a picture, so I found one similar to it online. I just have to say that I would've chosen this purse in brown, but they didn't have it. I'm just sayin'.

You make the call: giraffe or cow?


Stephanie said...

well when i first saw it, I thought cow, but cows don't have blocking shapes. Although, giraffes aren't black and white. What I think you have here is a hybrid, a giraow.

heather said...

totally giraffe. take it from someone who grew up collecting giraffe stuff! men know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Of course he said cow - he's a Texan isn't he??? However I've never seen a cow with that type pattern, nice try Jon and at least it was a compliment. Maybe a compromise is in order - I like Stephanie's giraow or what about a cowraffe? I think of you more than you know !!!!
Love Roberta

Kristin said...

Ok the funny thing is I was reading this blog and Josh walked up behind me and said "oh she got a cow purse"? Haha I couldn't help but laugh.