Thursday, November 23, 2006

Birthday Boys

Today is Thanksgiving and we have SO MUCH to be thankful for. We had a wonderful day full of all the usual eating, laughing and football. Camden is at an age where he is so hilarious and says the funniest things. It's such a fun time.

Last night we celebrated both Jon and Camden's birthdays a little early while we were all together. Jon got a birthday pie (pecan) with candles, and Camden got a very delicious chocolate cake. Though when told to "blow", he blew his nose instead of his mouth. Easy mistake when you're 2.

Both boys had fun opening their presents, though there was a little more screaming and jumping up and down on Camden's part. Poor Jon is faced with sharing his birthday with our favorite little boy, but he proved himself very selfless and gracious and willing to share the spotlight. Plus he got pecan pie!

Fun time had by all! Though we wanted Camden to wait until the morning to open one of his games that was going to take quite some time to set up, so we snuck it away when he was distracted by something else. It brought a few of us to laugh to the point of tears when he kept turning around looking for that other box, seemingly saying to himself "but I know there was another one!! It was right there a minute ago...!" His little 2 year old memory is pretty good, we had to admit.

And it's not until right now as I'm posting pictures that I realize we didn't even take one of the birthday boys together. Heck, we didn't even take one of Jon.... At least I have his actual birthday to make up for it in a couple weeks.

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1 comment:

McKenzie said...

Happy bday to your hubby! Your nephew is too cute!